Pregnancy and Postpartum Emotional Health

Many women experience mood swings, depression, and anxiety during pregnancy, after having a baby, and farther along in their postpartum year.

For some, these issues resolve on their own, such as the "baby blues," which are mood swings and tearfulness common in the days following birth and typically subsiding within two weeks. For others, they may become severe or debilitating and indicate an episode of perinatal (i.e., in pregnancy or during the postpartum year) depression, anxiety, or an associated condition. For women who have experienced pregnancy loss or the death of a baby, a traumatic pregnancy or labor/delivery, dealt with infertility, or are a parent of twins or other multiples, the pregnancy and postpartum experience may have additional emotional layers that affect well-being. For all women, the adjustments of pregnancy and motherhood shift the way they think and feel about themselves and often bring about changes in their identity, which can be both welcome and also confusing and stressful.

If you are worried about your emotional health during pregnancy, after giving birth, or later in your postpartum year, or are otherwise struggling with the adjustments of pregnancy or motherhood, know that you CAN feel better. I will support you and help you heal and develop tools for improving the way you feel so that you can better navigate motherhood and other parts of your life. Certified as a perinatal mental health provider (PMH-C) and as a Gottman-certified "Bringing Baby Home" educator, I will help you understand and work through the challenges of this time. If needed, I also can connect you to other treatment options (e.g., medication) and resources (e.g., support groups), to further facilitate your healing and return to health and well-being.

For additional information on postpartum adjustment and mental health issues, visit the websites for "Postpartum Support International" and "Postpartum Progress." Click here for a helpful article on the differences between postpartum depression and normal new mom stress. Click here for an article and here for a six-minute TED talk, both by Alexandra Sacks, MD, on "the birth of a mother" and helping women understand their shifts in identity when they become mothers.

To schedule a free 15-minute consultation, please
contact me.